Message from the GRCT Trustees

Dear Supporters 

We hope you are well and remain so during this unprecedented time.

We wish to update you regarding e’Pap feeding in South Africa. The South African government ordered that all schools close on Wednesday, 18 March. The closure of schools has implications for the feeding projects that we fund, as the feeding takes place mostly in nursery and school settings. 

We have been in contact with our beneficiaries on the ground. In most cases, they are working on a response to the rapidly evolving situation. We are trusting that it will still be possible to feed as many as possible of the children who were, until this week, benefiting from a meal of e’Pap. 

It is inevitably the poor who will be affected most in the crisis. We have reiterated our commitment to our beneficiaries and our willingness to help as much as we can.

We will keep you updated with further developments.

All the best
The GRCT Trustees

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