How can you help?

There are many ways that you can help to support the GRCT:

Run a GRCT fundraising event in your local area

Some of the events that have already been run to raise money for the GRCT have included a Christmas gift sale, coffee mornings, sponsored walks and runs, jewellery sales and concerts. 

Read about recent fund-raising activities

Stay connected with us

Sign up for our newsletters and get updates on our beneficiaries as well as news of fundraising and other events that you can get involved with.

Sign up for our newsletter

Find out about planned events

Adopt the GRCT as your school’s charity

This helps children in the UK to understand the lives of other children in the world, and gives them the opportunity to respond and help. Where possible, we can arrange for a member of the GRCT to come and visit your school to do a presentation about the charity in assembly or after school. Brighton College Prep raised a substantial amount for the GRCT from the proceeds of their Christmas Fair. City of London Freemen’s School cricket team held a sponsored 24 hour cricket-net practice on our behalf. Schools have also used the following ideas to raise funds: mufti days, cake sales, car washing and concert collections.

Make a donation

We are always grateful for donations however small. Did you know that it only costs £20 to feed one child on e’Pap for a whole school year? Even a donation of £20 will make a huge difference to the life of a child in South Africa.

There are several ways you can donate

  1. Set up a standing order: While we are extremely grateful for any donations we receive, it helps us enormously to have regular giving via standing orders, even if for a very modest amount. This helps us to plan ahead and to know that we can sustain a particular project in South Africa. If you decide to set up a standing order, please could you let us know that you have done this by emailing our treasurer so we know where the payment has come from and can thank you and stay connected!
  2. Make a one-off donation: you can make a one off donation by through PayPal by clicking on the donate button below. We also welcome donations through Just Giving or by cheque. If you would like to make a donation by cheque please click here for our treasurer’s contact details and click here for a Gift aid form.

Gift aid: If you are a UK taxpayer and have made a donation online without ticking the Gift Aid box then please fill in our Gift aid form and send to our treasurer. This will allow us to claim Gift Aid on your donation.

Pray for us

Pray for our beneficiaries and for guidance and wisdom for the GRCT Trustees.